Everyday Style Made Easy

Discover your signature style and get dressed with confidence.


The Program

No more standing in front of your closet wondering what to wear. No more hours of endless online shopping without a purchase. No more impulse buys.

After this 5-session online program, your closet will be clean, you’ll shop with purpose and you’ll get dressed in 5 minutes or less every day!


“Get yourself together with Kevin and Jill! You will discover your true style and how to dress accordingly. They share all their style secrets — after this program, I feel much more organized, confident and stylish!” — Karen, Los Angeles

Let us help you!


Discover your style.

Identify your personal style based on your body type, lifestyle and preferences.


Get organized.

Edit and organize your closet to create a space that delights you.


Shop with confidence.

Learn best practices for shopping online and in-person like a pro stylist.


Elevate your style.

Mix and match your favorite go-to pieces in order to take your look up a notch.


Pack like a pro.

Pack efficiently to look stylish while traveling for business or pleasure.


“This class really helped me enhance my personal style!” — Elizabeth, Boston

Our Style

We work with real people. We are real people. We believe in the power of clothes.